Klassik Open Air

21. Juli & 3. August 2024


26. – 28. Juli 2024

Stars im Luitpoldhain

4. August 2024


20. – 22. September 2024


Opening: 21. & 22. September 2024

We're looking for you!
Internship for Zukunftsmusik

For our special format “Zukunftsmusik“ we're seeking support starting from September 2nd. Are you studying art history, cultural management, or theater and media studies and eager to gain insights into the organization of this exciting format? Then apply by June 23rd for a six-month part-time internship with us.


Pre-sale Ticket Release

Starting now until Friday, September 13th, 5 PM, you can purchase tickets for the Stadt(ver)führungen towers online via the Kultur Information webshop. In addition to the selling price of 10 euros, there will be postage and handling fees of 3 euros."
